Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kes pembuangan bayi yang semakin menjadi-jadi

Pembuangan bayi semakin menjadi-jadi.
Kes-kes melibatkan pembuangan bayi telah mendominasi dada-dada akhbar dewasa ini. Hari ke hari, ada saja kes baru. Ianya telah menjadi seakan-akan sebuah aktiviti biasa di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.
Jika dulu masyarakat tergempar dengan kes pembuangan bayi, kini tidak lagi.
Mereka menganggap ia perkara biasa kerana telah dihidangkan dengan berita tersebut saban hari.
Perkara inilah yang paling dikhuatiri apabila manusia sudah mula hilang timbang rasa dan kemanusian.
Lantas, tindakan dan langkah penting harus dilakukan bagi mengelakkan perkara ini dari terus berleluasa dan semakin menjadi kebiasaan di kalangan masyarakat kita. Terdahulu, media melaporkan bahawa terdapat 17,303 orang anak luar nikah di daftarkan pada tahun 2009.

Daripada kes buang bayi dalam plastik, dalam botol, sehinggalah ada yang dibakar di tempat pembuangan sampah semuanya semakin merisaukan.
Apa lagi yang harus dilakukan oleh kerajaan untuk membendung gejala ini?
Adakah hukuman maksimum 2 tahun penjara yang dipraktikkan sekarang masih tidak cukup untuk mengelakkan masalah ini dari terus berlaku?
Ketika ini, bagi kebanyakan kes buang bayi, pesalah hanya disabitkan mengikut Seksyen 318 Kanun Keseksaan kerana menyembunyikan kelahiran yang boleh membawa hukuman 2 tahun penjara atau denda atau kedua-duanya sekali.
Atau adakah hukuman-hukuman yang lebih berat seperti gantung sampai mati wajar diwujudkan supaya mereka ini lebih takut untuk melakukan kesalahan?

‏قَالَ النَّبِيُّ ‏ ‏صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ‏ ‏كُلُّ مَوْلُودٍ يُولَدُ عَلَى الْفِطْرَةِ فَأَبَوَاهُ يُهَوِّدَانِهِ أَوْ يُنَصِّرَانِهِ أَوْ يُمَجِّسَانِهِ َ

Hadis ini menyebutkan bahawa seorang bayi itu dilahirkan dalam keadaan fitrah (bersih akidahnya).
Maka kedua ibubapanya yang akan menjadikannya (kerana asuhan dan didikan) yahudi atau nasrani atau majusi.
Ini menunjukkan bahawa bayi adalah anugerah dari Allah yang harus disyukuri. Perbuatan membuang bayi bukan sahaja merosakkan sesuatu kaum, tetapi melibatkan pembunuhan seorang insan yang tak berdosa.
Oleh itu, saya bersetuju bahawa hukuman berat wajar dikenakan kepada mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini.
Jika hukuman mati mandatori dikenakan kepada pembunuh, mengapa hukuman seperti ini tidak diaplikasi kepada pesalah pembuang bayi.
Ini kerana, perbuatan ini juga salah satu daripada bentuk pembunuhan. Malah, mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini lebih kejam daripada pembunuh.
Apakah salah bayi-bayi yang baru dilahirkan ini? Mereka tidak berdosa, mereka berhak hidup dibelai dan dimanja sepeti kanak-kanak yang lain.
Jika hukuman mati mandatori ini diperlaksanakan, pelaku zina mungkin akan menjadi lebih takut untuk melakukan perbuatan terkutuk tersebut.

Islam mengharamkan zina dengan dalil yang jelas di dalam al Quran, Surah al Isra, ayat 32 :

Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan)
Umum diketahui masalah, pembuangan bayi bermula daripada zina, oleh itu, penekanan hukuman berat terhadap pelaku zina juga dapat membantu menangani gejala tak bermoral ini.
Umpama menghalang nasi sebelum menjadi bubur, hukuman kepada pelaku zina ini dapat mengatasi masalah pembuangan bayi .
Pergaulan bebas antara lelaki dan perempuan hari ini dilihat sebagai punca utama meningkatnya kes pembuangan bayi.

Jadi masalah ini harus dibendung dari akar masalah supaya ianya tidak berlanjutan.
Hukuman bagi pesalah zina ini harus diselesaikan dengan cara Islam dan bukannya cara sekular.
Islam menggariskan bahawa hukuman bagi penzina terbahagi kepada dua jenis, iaitu samada sudah berkahwin, atau belum berkahwin. Orang yang berkahwin dikenakan hukuman rejam sehingga mati, manakala orang yang belum berkahwin dikenakan sebat sebanyak 100 kali, dan dibuang negeri.
Namun apabila kes zina tidak diselesaikan dengan cara Islam, inilah yang membuat pesalah zina tersebut lebih berani serta menyebabkan kes pembuangan bayi makin meruncing. Pemerintah dan kerajaanlah yang bertanggungjawab dalam melaksanakan hukuman ini sebetulnya. Kegagalan melakukannya boleh dianggap sebagai jenayah bagi pihak kerajaan itu sendiri.
Selaras dengan itu, kerajaan harus memperbanyakkan lagi kempen seperti “Kami Prihatin” yang telah dilakukan bagi menyematkan rasa tanggungjawab terhadap remaja kita.

Kita sebagai seorang Islam seharusnya sedar tentang dosa membuang dan menamatkan nyawa seorang insan. Jika seberat mana pun hukuman dijalankan di dunia ini, berat lagi hukuman yang akan diterima di akhirat kelak. Jadi hukuman di akhirat dan seksa neraka itu sendiri sepatutnya sudah cukup untuk mengelakkan kita dari terjebak dengan masalah ini. Tetapi sayangnya ada antara kita yang tidak mengamalkan cara hidup Islam yang betul, lantas tidak hairan hukuman di akhirat tersebut tidak menginsafkannya. Berilah peluang bayi tersebut menjalani kehidupan seperti bayi-bayi lain.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Vincent van Gogh, painter of a true soul

During his life, his works gone unnoticed.
Even though all the painting is a master piece, it seems like nobody cares.
When he did died at a young age, people start to appreciate his works, and regretting why they can't be thankful to him when he was alive.
"We don't know what we got until it is gone"
That is the popular phrase we usually heard about.
Even though people knew about it, they still repeated the same mistakes.
Over and over again.

That is what happen to Vincent Willem van Gogh, a Dutch painter that move the world.
We've all heard this sad story. Vincent van Gogh lived a short, deeply tormented life, throughout which he sought in vain, his place in the world.On 27 July 1890, again suffering from depression, Van Gogh shot himself. He died two days later.He died, by his own hand, feeling his life was a miserable failure.Unbeknown to Vincent, the work he did pioneered the Expressionistic style and, 150 years after his birth, his name would be world famous.

Vincent Willem van Gogh was born on 30 March 1853 in Groot-Zundert, a village near to Breda in the province of North Brabant in the southern Netherlands.
In 1869, he took his first job, working in the Hague branch of an international art dealing firm. He began to write to his younger brother Theo, a correspondence which continued for the rest of Van Gogh's life.
In 1880, at the age of 27, he decided to become an artist.
That prove to be the crucial step in his life.

"I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate."
This words came from Vincent's mouth.
Becoming an artist, he have had such a bumpy road along the way.
This has to be with his sickness.
Vincent's ailment was characterized by episodes of acute mental derangement and disability which were separated by intervals of lucidity and creativity.
Attending physicians, family, friends, and the artist himself were all surprised and encouraged by the rapidity of the recoveries after each crisis.
The condition caused fits with hallucinations, both auditory and visual, and evoked partial seizures. Periods of incapacitating depression and physical discomfort were severe and grave enough to provoke self-mutilation and eventual suicide.

Vincent have a family history of mental illness and it is sad considering how thoughtful Vincent is.
People take for granted all his works because of his illness and it is such a shame that people overlook a valuable piece of life on earth for the sake of sanity.
But little that we know, this so called crazy person have the emotion to express what life is through painting and writing which us,normal person can't.
Many of his works are not signed because he thought to do so would be arrogant.
It symbolize the sincerity and truthful of Vincent.

Vincent is painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact.
He had a terrible life even though he is a kind person.
Rejected by community, rejected by Kate, a women he loved the most and rejected by himself because of the depression.
Little appreciated during his lifetime, his fame grew in the years after his death. Today, he is widely regarded as one of history's greatest painters and an important contributor to the foundations of modern art.
"I want to get to the point where people say of my work that man feels deeply."
Vincent do get to that point, sadly he is not here anymore when that happen.
Why do we people, need to feel a lost before we can appreciate something?
People didn't listen to what he is trying to say during his life.
Now he is gone, people start to understand.
Perhaps they listen now.

Self-potrait of Vincent van Gogh

Samples of his work.

starry starry night
a song by Don McLean to pay tribute to Vincent. A beautiful song that you just have to listen and understand. It bring tears.

Vincent's final moment
Vincent's final moment.When the depression came to the point of no return.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Quiksilver jeans (Relaxed fit)

Jeans are important in teenagers' life. The jeans we are wearing show our personality and characters. On that note, I am going to do a review about a Quiksilver jeans.

This product mainly revolves around male teenagers and it is no surprise that young adult and teenagers, one that take others impression greatly into account are the group that might show the interest.
The group consists of people who are concern about their look and personality. They are basically around 17-30 years of age.
The problem with other normal jeans is that they are not durable enough.
The nature of teenagers are outgoing and active, so they may need a jeans that can provide them durability and a sense of long-lasting.
Standard jeans are also dull and it is just sake of a jeans while this product offers something more.

Quiksilver logo

Quiksilver jeans promise the durability and toughness that are needed by teenagers. People are able to trust the material used because the substance is reliable and it is a well-known brand.
It gives you freedom in being yourself and stays on the active side whenever you want to.
For instance, when you wore a normal jeans for outing you might have a sense of limitation for certain things that you intended to do such as sitting on a hard floor or simply jumping across a drain as it might cause your jeans to ripped apart or wrecked.
But with this jeans, you have no such constrain as it can stand all that.
Not only that, this product also apply a relax cutting to their jeans and are not too fit like those we normally sees in market.
Those tight jeans are what makes you take 20 minutes of walking to class instead of 5.
It is also easy and effortless to wash this jeans. Unlike some other ordinary jeans that are so hard to be washed because of the sensitive material used and you need to separate it from other clothes. With Quiksilver jeans, you can wash it like other normal clothes, put it in a washing machine along with other and then dry it up.

Sample of the jeans

This product also is an exclusive product that gives extra attention to the details of the jeans. For example, there is a tiny Quiksilver logo at the back of the jeans button and a lot of other Quiksilver logo at different places uniquely placed on the jeans. It is rarity that you might not find on common jeans. Customers also provided with beautiful exclusive paper bag when purchasing the item. Customers will feel satisfied and appreciated. Plus, there is also 10 % discount for member.

Sample of paper bag

Apart from its visible advantages like what have been mention earlier, this product also provide other aspects instead of simply a jeans.
This aspect is quite hidden and involves the buyers' self confident and personality.
So when buying this jeans you are not only paying for the jeans plainly, but also for the sense of confident that it can provide to its buyers.
In other words, you are indirectly purchasing a confident for yourself.
That is the uniqueness of this product.
In term of how other see us, and in term of how we see ourselves, it work both ways.
Firstly on how other might see us, it is simply different.
In case you are not attractive or fine-looking naturally, by wearing this product you would earn a sense of respect from other because the product brand are well established in the world of fashion apparel. People will see you as a person of a great taste because the brand is artistic and people around the world are wearing it. It serves as a popular culture that connects the fan of the brand.
Secondly, it is for your own satisfaction. You will feel positive and firm when wearing this product for outing because it is quite an expensive product (but worth it) and you work hard to earn it. Self satisfaction is important in order to keep ourselves happy and cheerful.
That is what makes this product great in term of value for money.
You can pay RM100 for standard and common jeans that only provide you with what a typical jeans would. One that might ripped apart sooner or later and cause you to buy another.
Or, you can choose to invest an extra RM200 for a jeans that offer you trust, long-lasting, confident and class. That is a Quicksilver jeans.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Attention to all my passengers

Assalamualaikum to all my readers.This is the first post of this blog,so basically this entry is going to touch on a little about myself and the blog concept itself. Firstly about me, my name is Muhammad Iqbal bin Abu Bakar and I am 21 years of age. I was born in Kuala Lumpur and grew up in Klang valley.

I spent my secondary school at Sekolah Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang. Honestly I am not the brightest of all students and I even have a lots of disciplinary problem back then,but I still work hard and manage to score 5As in PMR and 5As in SPM. To be frank, I was such a bad student and a naughty kid at my younger age.When I was 7,my step sister and I set our house on fire and get a serious beating from my dad. At 10, I even ran away from home once,but only for about 3 hours and only manage to get myself to the soccer field in front of my friend's house. Then i decided to return home as I was so hungry. The sad part is, nobody noticed that I was missing. At school, I skipped classes(because its fun) and does a lot of other terrible things. It is only when i was in form 4 that I started to be more mature and start to think about life seriously.I realized how childish I was before. I never looked back since and promised myself to be a better person.

I don’t really have a specific ambition. It is because I am still learning myself and there are so many things that I want to do in this life. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have a vision though. When I was a kid I always wanted to become a writer. That might had to do with the way I read some pretty good books and realized how their thoughts can change people’s life. These people find their channel to express their opinion and I was so astonished with their dogma and belief about life. So I said to myself that I can do the same. I want to have a say on how I see things in life and share it with all people. I know that expressing my thought is not an easy task. Sometimes it felt like there is no way I can interpret and converts what I have in mind into words. In this head my thoughts are deep and I want people to know something that they don’t. It is always a great feeling when you know that you can affect people optimistically in their life. So as kid, I carry this dream of mine hoping that someday I will able to pursue it. That is a little bit about me and my background studies.

As for now, I am going to talk about the concept of this blog. Bus of life. That is the blog title and also the concept I am going to use for my blog. Basically, I want to portrait this blog as a bus, myself as the driver and all readers are the passengers. It is quite simple.I want the passengers to hop in my bus and I as the driver, will take my passengers through a wonderful journey. The journey here carry a meaning of all my coming posts and I will take you to places that you never known of its existence.

Personally, I think that my way of writing is quite unique compared to most blogger as I always see things in life differently. In other words, I am offering a point of view that is from different angle from most people. I know that my grammar are dreadful,but please ignore it and pay extra attention on the content. I don't want language to be the barrier in speaking our mind. I have quite a number of blogs before this one and each of them have their own concept. For the subject Thinking and Writing Strategies however, I chose to use the bus concept because I want my readers to feel more closely related to the blog. I also want my readers to get more excited when visiting this blog,as if there is an environment here in this blog and they even play a role in it. I use a lot of other element such as pictures and other widget to add to the bus concept. The other settings like comments,links and posts also will be named as something related to a bus.So to all my passengers, please take a seat. I am about to start the engine,hold on tight as I am going to take you for a journey that will left you breathless.